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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 17th May

 This has been a very productive week.
 The children have used their artistic skills to produce wonderful pastel and collage pictures . They have created their own individual settings for the main character in our English text called Beegu.


 In our English lessons we have been learning about character descriptions and story settings.
 We have been encouraging the children to experiment with their word choices. Thinking about using exciting adjectives to extend and improve their writing.


 Our focus has been doubling and sharing . Talking about making equal groups. The children have used concrete and pictorial representations to explain their answers. We have also talked about numbers that cannot be grouped equally.

Exploring and discussing questions about equal groups e.g.

I am thinking of a number between 20 and 30.

I can only make equal groups of 5 with it.

What must my number be.?


 E.T. I have enjoyed learning the names of different fruits in French and Mihai was helping us say the words.

 F.C. In French I enjoyed learning the names of fruits and dancing around.


 A.P. In cricket we have been learning how to hold the bat. You put the left hand near the front and then put your right hand at the bottom of the handle.

 M.B. I enjoyed doing standing long jumps.

J.C.  In cricket I enjoyed fielding the ball.


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take like wave complete rude

 replied  nineteen invite spine try

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