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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Homework -


Daily reading

Talk homework -  To talk about the history of the Haka.

I have enjoyed doing the Haka this week, we are learning the actions and words. Next we are going to use our warrior faces (Charlie).

We are all making sure we do a regular AR quizzes on the books we are reading, Well done to everyone that has passed them (Jessie).

In English we have done our comprehension today and been able to answer some questions about a text (Maisie).

This week in Topic we made sure we were more confident in putting each 'age' in the correct chronological order (Adam).

On Monday we all went to church to celebrate harvest festival and as a class we performed a harvest dance and made ourselves into corn or a combine harvester (Ruby).

We have now finished our text of 'The Pebble in my pocket' and we have written a character description of the 'Stone Age' boy in the story (James).

Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )