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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 29th April

Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion - these are due on Thursday next week.  Remember to read every day and record three of these sessions in your reading diaries.  These will be checked on Tuesday next week.  Your spellings for next week are: modal, relative, pronoun, clause, parenthesis, bracket, cohesion, ambiguity, adverb, determiner.

Molly: I have enjoyed writing poems in English this week.  We have been reading about a bullying incident in our Power of Reading book and have explored how each of the characters felt.  We could base our poems on any bullying situation and could write from the perspective of the victim, a bystander or the bully themselves.

Seb: This week I have enjoyed looking at nets in Maths.  We had to solve problems where we were asked to predict where markings would be if they appeared on opposite sides of the 3D shape.

Annabell: We are playing cricket in PE and I enjoyed learning how to bowl correctly.  We played mini games of pairs cricket which was really fun!