Policies, Reports, Risk Assessments & Notices - being updated
Below you will find all the policies that are related to the running of the school. They have been organised by category of policy type. Please click on the title to open the policies within that section. A paper copy is available upon request from the school office.
Statutory Policies
Curriculum Policies
The following is a list of Curriculum Policies that are reviewed by subject and faculty leaders in the school in partnership with ECM Governors Committee. These are reviewed approximately every two/three years (by 31st October) or whenever significant changes are needed.
Subject Guidance
In this section you will find links to individual subject guidance. Move information can be found on Our Learning section of the school website.
Human Resources and Personnel Policies
The following are HR & Personnel Policies. These are reviewed annually by the school's School Business Manager (SBM) and the Headteacher / SLT in partnership with the Governor Finance and Resources Committee.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies
Buckden CE Primary places safeguarding and child protection at the heart of what we do. The following are Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies which are reviewed annually by the Deputy Headteacher in the Summer Term in partnership with the Co-Chair of Governors and the Safeguarding Governor.
These must be read by all staff and volunteers as part of induction and in preparation for the start of every new academic year.
All policies and procedures can be found by clicking the link below to take you to our dedicated safeguarding section. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can also be found clicking the link below:
Below you will find links to various reports on Buckden Primary Academy. Please click on a link to view a report.
Link to OfSTED website
Statement of intent
Buckden Church of England Academy is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of its information and ensuring that all records within our school are accessible by the individuals. In line with the requirements of the GDPR, the school also has a responsibility to ensure that all records are only kept for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose(s) for which they were intended.
The school has created this policy to outline how records are stored, accessed, monitored, retained and disposed of in order to meet the school's statutory requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) – the EU GDPR was incorporated into UK legislation, with some amendments, by The Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).It is based on guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on the GDPR.