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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Talk homework: Look around your house for scales. 

This week Emma has enjoyed writing instructions on how to build a dragon out of recycling. Everybody worked SO hard and this made Mrs Sandham very proud!

This week Emily enjoyed telling the story of how we made our dragons and we then wrote this as a science piece of writing. Stanley liked planning for our big write because we talked about all the materials and how we made the dragons.

 William S enjoyed the relay race in PE. Kayleigh enjoyed cricket, Coco Chanel classes' cricket skills have really improved this half term! Will H thought that everybody did some really good batting at the end. 

Sophia has enjoyed maths when we have learnt how to solve missing number problems. 

Libby enjoyed RE when we were learning about 'what is the most important'.