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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Talk homework - Talk about your prediction of what is going to happen next in our 'Edward Tulane' text.


Daily reading

We have researched a Scientist to enter the '£50.00 note design' competition. Look for the notes on Twitter to vote for your favourite. Further information to follow. We are looking forward to creating then (Grace).

With Miss Lizell we are learning how to play hockey, I am enjoying playing 'King of the ring' (Molly).

I have enjoyed English this week and developed my knowledge of more noun rules, changing from singular to plural (Eva).

In English we have also created a poem using Edwards thoughts and feeling of the events he has been through (Georgia).

Today we have been researching about types of rocks and using the title, address and snippet of information in computing (James).

Nightingale Class and Mrs Romaine : )