Week beg 9 May

Please learn your lines and all the lyrics for the play – the songs are on the blog
Year 5 have been working really hard with their play rehearsals this week, along with some great learning. We've been drafting our news reports about the King's Coronation, which could be chosen to go in to our time capsule. Our grammar focus is on using relative clauses, parenthesis and direct speech – we're hoping this piece of writing will bring all our learning together.
In science, we've been learning about sexual reproduction in plants, and we dissected a flower as we explored its male and female parts as botanical illustrators. The pupils were surprised to learn that there was such a career that blended art with science.
We're making great progress in our journey learning decimals, percentages and fractions, which we'll continue with next week.
There won't be any new SATS Companion set this half-term to allow pupils to catch up with incomplete SATS companion work, to focus on their spellings and to learn their lines/choreography/lyrics.
An email has been sent out regarding purchasing tickets for the performance, and we're very grateful for your support. The proceeds will go directly towards creative projects for the cohort, as well as to help pay for any performance expenses such as the music licence.
Please practice these homophones / near homophone spellings for Monday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Schmidt
aisle |
isle |
aloud |
allowed |
altar |
alter |
ascent |
assent |
farther |
father |