10th January 2024
Homework- Reading practice. You have a sheet of paper in your bag to practice a page a day with your child. Also, there is a new story called 'Buzz the Dragon' available of the Success for All parent portal to read.
Homework- Reading practice. You have a sheet of paper in your bag to practice a page a day with your child. Also, there is a new story called 'Buzz the Dragon' available of the Success for All parent portal to read.
Merry Christmas to you all- no change of reading book as we didn't complete the weeks guided reading so will roll over to next term.
Homework: Reading at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.
Any large boxes would be much appreciated for our Brilliant Bakes project next week.
If you have offered to walk to church on Monday, we will meet you outside the front office at 9:10am please.
Homework- Read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom reader please.
Complete some time on Numbots. Practise lines for the Nativity, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.
Homework- Read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom reader please.
Complete some time on Numbots. Practise lines for the Nativity.
Homework- Read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom reader please. Complete some time on Numbots.
Home work- read at home a mimimum of three times a week and record on Boom Reader app.
Complete some time on Numbots, an adult may tap the answers in to aid with speed when your child tells you the correct answer.
Home work- read at home a mimimum of three times a week and record on Boom Reader app.
Complete some time on Numbots, an adult may tap the answers in to aid with speed when your child tells you the correct answer.
See attachment below for parent meeting powerpoint. If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Take a look at the phonics assessment sheet in your child's bag and the further information about what each section means in your child's Boom reader message. Then give your child a little more support at home in any areas they are finding trickier.
Enjoy a lovely half term break!
Linked to our Understanding of the World and RE learning this term, could you talk at home about why you chose the name you selected for your child.
Also, read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom reader and also complete some Numbots with your child.
Read a minimum of 3 times a week and please log the reading on Boom Reader.