Friday 13th September

Welcome to Year 1!
Please ensure you are logging all reading on Boomreader. We haved sent home letterjoin logins for you all to access our online platform we use within school to help with letter formation at home.
The children have all settled beautifully into Year 1 and are thoroughly enjoying our curriculum. Year 1 is a big jump from reception. The children are sitting on the carpet or at tables accessing their learning daily.
We have introduced our SDG for this term which is 'Quality Education'. The children have enjoyed comparing education in Victorian times to now (they all are happy with their teachers and would not want a Victorian teacher to teach them!).
In maths we have been consolidating their learning of numbers up to 10. They have started to build the numberts, sort objects into groups and we will be moving onto counting one more than a number.
In phonics we have started our Phase 5 sounds after consolidation previous sounds. We are learning the 'ay' sound 'May I play?' The children have really grasped this sound and have enjoyed creating their own sentences with words with this familiar sound in it.
In English they have met our new friend 'Beegu' and we are currently taking our time learning about her journey on planet Earth. They can't wait to see what is next!
Science this week was having a look at different stages of growth. We will be moving onto different parts of our body next week which will eventually link into our learning of the five senses.
If you have any queries please email on our Year 1 email for any queries to be picked up.
Reading books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays.
Please note PE days are different for both classes.
Indoor PE: Mondays
Peacock Outdoor: Thursdays
Chalkhill Outdoor: Wednesdays.