Friday 20th September 2024

Please ensure you are logging all reading on Boomreader. We have sent home letterjoin logins for you all to access our online platform we use within school to help with letter formation at home. Please make sure you are doing at least numbots at least 20 minutes a week.
The children have had a very busy week in year 1. The children loved exploring our Victorian artefacts we have in school. It is a great way for children to visualise what children used in school years ago and what life was like in comparison today. The children were able to dress up in some outfits and showed great respect of the artefacts.
In PE this week the children have been working on team games in their outdoor pursuits. The children have shown great leadership and teamwork, working on their communication which links beautifully with our skills builder scheme.
In English this week the children have continued to work hard understanding Beegu's feelings. We have had some great lessons on emotional vocabulary and how to tell if someone feels a certain way by their facial expressions and body language. The children will be looking at what makes a good friend next week.
In Maths this week we have been consolidating their learning of simple addition and subtraction within 10. Looking specifically on counting forwards and backwards, as well as knowing what is one more or one less than a number. We will be moving onto comparison of numbers, looking at greater than, less than and equal too next week.
If you have any queries of problems please do not hesitate to contact us on our Year 1 email.
Have a great weekend.