Friday 24.1.25

Spellings -
Rule -Words ending in: –y (cry)
CEW - any, many, busy, does
Special Skill - Contraction: doesn’t
Reading -
Read your books and record them on Boom Reader
Maths -
Do Numbots
We have been doing Gymnastics in PE. We had to hold a pose for 3 seconds including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 points of contact. We also did some travelling along the benches, some were upside down.
In art, we did some light and dark tonal shading with dark blue and white blue (black, blue and white).
In Maths, we have been dividing numbers. We have been learning to divide by grouping, arrays and sharing.
In DT, we have been learning about mechanisms. We were learning about leavers. We made an example using a strip of paper and a split pin and that was called a pivot.
In history and science, we have been learning about Jon Snow and how he discovered cholera was spreading through the water from a baby's nappy.
In music, we have been learning about doing marble machines. A marble is a big machine where marbles land on all the instruments and make a sound to make a song.
In RE, we have been learning about Muslims and in the Muslim religion (Islam) their God Allah teaches them to be compassionate. This week we looked at some stories. One of them was the Crying Camel.