Friday 14th February 2024
Please keep up your Boom Reader records
Please ensure that you use TT Rockstars over the holiday to help with maths at school.
Please keep up your Boom Reader records
Please ensure that you use TT Rockstars over the holiday to help with maths at school.
Spellings: arrival, burial, comical, emotional, optional, survival, tropical
TTRockstars 3 x 10min each week
Reading every day please?
This week's spellings: describe, imagine, library, ordinary, promise, recent, suppose.
TTRockstars: Please complete 45 minutes of play per week.
Read: Children read to you every day and add records to Boom Reader.
spellings: great, groan, main, meat, grate, grown, mane, meet
TTRockstars 3 x 10 min
Reading everyday!
This week's spellings: calmly, exactly, deadly, boldly, gladly, clearly, hourly.
TTRockstars: It is essential that each pupil completes 45 minutes of play per week.
Read: Your child should read to you every day.
Spellings: obey, prey, convey, survey, disobey, they, surveyor
TTRockstars 3 x 10 min
Reading everyday please with discussion about the book.
This week's spellings: vein, weigh, eight, neighbour, sleigh, freight, reins.
TTRockstars: It is essential that each pupil completes 45 minutes of play per week.
Read: Your child should read to you every day.
Please bring in: A small tissue sized box for their DT cars.
Spellings: straight, painter, fainted, waist, strainer, chained, claimed.
TTRockstars 3 x 10min
Reading everyday
This week's spellings: developed, listening, listened, gardener, gardening, limited, covering.
TTRockstars: Please complete 45 minutes of play per week.
Read get your child to read to you every day.
Spellings: mistake, misbehave, misuse, misplace, mislead, misunderstand
TTRockstars 3x10min
Reading everyday please
This week's spellings: disapprove, disappear, dislike, disagree, disadvantage, disappoint.
TTRockstars: Please complete 45 minutes of play per week.
Read at home at least 3 times a week for 10–15 minutes.
Spellings: revenge, return, reaction, redo, reappear, redecorate, replay
TTRockstars 3 x 10-15min
Reading at least 3 times a week with an adult for 10-15 min