Friday 13th September

This week's spellings: mouth, trout, around, shout, house, found, proud,
TTRockstars: Please log on and as it's the first week try to do 10min.
Reading at home at least 3 times a week for 10-15min.
We have had a really productive and great first full week in year 3. Both classes have shown excellent learning behaviour, and you should all be so proud of your children, we certainly are.
Our Global Goal this half-term is Quality Education, and we have considered what education is and if everybody receives an education like we do. We have started our Power of Reading book in English, which is all about the journey of a pebble through time. This fits brilliantly with our science unit, Rocks and Fossils. We already know all about sedimentary rocks and how they were formed. In maths, we are consolidating our place value knowledge and extending our understanding to hundreds. Geography has been fascinating as we have learnt about the topography of Greece whilst in history we have studied life in Ancient Greece. In history, we will be learning about education in Ancient Greece. Today in art, we designed our own pieces of abstract art in the style of either Mondrian, Milhaze or Kadinsky, and they were really creative and interesting. We were able to identify the main elements of art in each design. In DT, we started to design a bookmark, something that will definitely contribute to our Quality Education!
Hope you have a great weekend,
Mrs Tarpey, Mrs Jaynes and Mrs Keating