Friday 20th September

Spellings: trouble, touch, double, young, enough, encourage, cousin
TTRockstars: Try to do 15 min 3 times a week
Reading everyday please.
Year 3 enjoyed their scavenger hunt in P.E. on Wednesday when they had to go around the field looking for numbers using a map. In PSHE, this week we have been learning through role play how to resolve a conflict considering other people's feelings. We had a really enjoyable science lesson where we modelled how fossils are made even though we got a bit messy and in DT, we practised cross stitch and running stitch. In English, the children wrote some fantastic descriptive sentences about volcanoes. We wrote about volcanoes erupting because we had read about how molten lava turns into igneous rocks in our book 'Pebble in my Pocket'. We have continued partitioning numbers to 1000 and today learnt how to do flexible partitioning. Our art lesson was based on work by the artist Bridget Riley and the children used the line element of art to make a chalk picture.
Another busy week!
Have a great weekend
Year 3