Friday 11th October 2024

This week's spellings: creature, sculpture, adventure, nature, picture, future, mixture
TTRockstars: Please complete 45 minutes of play per week.
Read at home at least 3 times a week for 10–15 minutes.
We have had a great week in Year 3. Both classes have shown that they are good citizens, and we are so proud of their hard work.
This week in Maths we have been adding and subtracting 100’s. In one lesson, the children worked so hard to formulate the answers using Dienes. Dienes are wooden or plastic cubes, rods and flats used to support children with their understanding of maths. If you would like to practice using these at home with the children, they help students to understand their maths visually and kinaesthetically.
We have continued to read and understand “The Pebble in my Pocket”. Jack enjoyed the topic of glaciers, learning vocabulary such as crevasses and Moulin’s that appear in the book. The children added new knowledge to their prior learning in a beautifully written description, inspired by a picture of a glaciated valley from the book.
The children enjoy French. So far, we have worked through phonics, greetings and numbers. We have also learnt about France and the Francophone world. The children have enjoyed sharing their knowledge of France through their own experiences. I am sure if you ask them what they have learnt they would love to have a conversation with you!
We are building a Greek school to show how geography influences the way students travel to school. They have started their school plans this week. Please bring in any junk modelling materials that you may have at home so that we can use them to build their sustainable Greek school?
We hope you have a sunny weekend,
Mrs Keating, Mrs Jaynes and Mrs Tarpey