Welcome back

Well done to all Year 5 for a fantastic first week
It's been a great (albeit busy) first week introducing the pupils to their new Year 5 learning, but they've all risen to the challenge and shown such enthusiasm. We've started our science unit about Space, while in history we've explored why the Maya civilisation is considered so special, and we've also begun to understand the importance and inequalities in education around the world. In Art, we've looked at the work of collage artist Jeannie Baker as research for our own storyboard collages to be made from natural materials.
On Monday, we have a visiting author for yr5/6 and if you'd like to purchase a signed copy of her novel please come in with £7 cash.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. We will need to get the children changed before lunch and, therefore, they will be in their PE kits at breaktime – please send them in with tracksuit bottoms and jumpers to ensure they stay warm.
Homework sheets (SPAG and Maths) are given out on Thursdays and marked in class the following Thursday. Please also complete 30 minutes of TTRockstars to continue developing multiplication and division fluency. All pupils should come home on Monday with a new, levelled reading book, now that assessments have been done.
On Monday, there is a new spelling rule taught and spelling practise sheets are given in preparation for a quiz the following Monday.
This week's spellings are the suffixes 'tious' (shus) and 'ious' (ee us).
Have a wonderful weekend,