
Spellings to learn for Monday: brilliant, dominant, abundant, tolerant, vacant, elegant, constant, fragrant, ignorant, distant
It's been a fun start to the new term. We started with two days of our skills builder project - Crash Landing - whereby pupils had to work together to solve, create and present - challenging all of their skills. They did so well and each identified the skills they need to develop further in our next skills builder project.
In Math, we're learning about multiples and factors; next week, we'll be looking at prime numbers, square and cubed numbers. Here's a link to a fun game if pupils want to consolidate their learning about multiples and factors: https://nrich.maths.org/factmult/
In English, we've begun to make predictions about our new text 'Town by the Sea' and in Art we'll be doing two projects: Lino printing and a cityscape inspired by Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
Our global goal this half term is Industry, Infrastructure and Innovation.
Please remember to do homework and TTRockstars.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs Schmidt, Mrs Conlong and Mrs Anderson