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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Week beg 25 November

Please complete your spellings for Monday, homework for Thursday and TTRockstars

It's been a fun week with the Year 4 production! It made us smile from ear to ear and had raving reviews. 

We've been concentrating on fractions again this week and pupils are growing in confidence and fluency when converting from improper to mixed number fractions. We will be continuing this learning until the end of term. 

In English, we've been focused on parenthesis and researching the history of coal mining for a report next week.  On Friday, we created our own Jesse Tree as we explored the Old and New Testament during Festival of Light.

On Wednesday next week, when pupils can wear a Christmas Jumper, there will be an opportunity to make Christmas hats from recycled material. We will provide the card for the headband, but if pupils wish to bring in anything to glue to it, please start to bring it in from Monday. 

We will be planning our DT project this week, with the intention to build and code a fairground ride the following Wednesday. Please can you help your child to start gathering a variety of cardboard that they could use to build it. 

Have a lovely week. 

Mrs Schmidt and Mrs Conlong