
Practise TTRockstars (min 30 minutes), spellings and SPAG/Math homework
This week we've been tackling long multiplication in Math, learning to multiply two digits by three digits. We've been playing Hockey with Mr Jenner and learning about the importance of secure passwords in online safety.
In our Global Learning, we've been exploring the importance of coral reefs and designing our willow sculptures in Art to create a public exhibition about the impact of plastic pollution on marine life, like sea turtles.
We're beginning to get enthralled with our new book, Floodlands, as we learn about the characters and the conventions of a dystopian fiction.
In Science, we're investigating the difference between dissolving and melting, soluble and insoluble.
As we're focusing on multiplication and division in Math, it will be highly beneficial for all pupil to practice TTRockstars as much as possible - minimum 30 minutes by next Thursday please.
If your child would like a Math challenge, please direct them to this NRICH task: https://nrich.maths.org/problems/multiplication-squares
In case extra help is needed for homework, here are some links to videos that may remind them of their learning:
Multiplying and dividing decimals (draw a place value grid to help you):
Helpful videos to teach SPAG terms: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbh892p
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Schmidt and Mrs Conlong