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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 6

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  • Friday 10th January

    Published 10/01/25, by Kate Purser

    Our spellings this week are: plentiful, fearful, beautiful, merciful, faithful, boastful, doubtful, thankful, fanciful, pitiful.  Please ensure you know these and are ready for our quiz on Monday.

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Tuesday.

    Make sure you watch an episode of News Round this weekend and be ready to write about a memorable news story on Monday.

    Continue to read each day at home for a period of at least 20 minutes and the children should record this in their reading diaries with a parent initial.  Make sure reading diaries are in school on Monday so they can be checked.

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  • Friday 20th December

    Published 20/12/24, by Kate Purser

    Our spellings this week are:  overbalance, overturned, overcoat, overthrow, overcook, overpaid, overslept, overreact, overtired, overlooked.  Please ensure you know these and are ready for our quiz on the first Monday back after Christmas. 

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by the first Tuesday back after Christmas.  Homework in the Spring Term will be set and due each Tuesday.

    Make sure you watch an episode of News Round over the Christmas holiday and be ready to write about a memorable news story on the first Monday back.

    Continue to read each day at home for a period of at least 20 minutes and the children should record this in their reading diaries with a parent initial.

    Some children have brought home Maths practice workbooks to work through at home in preparation for their SATs tests.  There is no need to bring any questions they complete back to school, but please do encourage them to complete work so that they feel as prepared as they can be.  All the questions in these books are on topics they have already been taught in school.  

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  • Friday 13th December

    Published 13/12/24, by Kate Purser

    Our spellings this week are:  rhyme, identify, multiply, occupy, apply, hyphen, recycle, hygiene, python, supply.  Please ensure you know these and are ready for our quiz on Monday. 

    Please also complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion.

    Make sure you watch an episode of News Round over the weekend and be ready to write about a memorable news story on Monday.

    Continue to read each day at home for a period of at least 20 minutes and the children should record this in their reading diaries with a parent initial.

    Please bring in some cardboard recycling (cereal box) on Monday for our work in RE.

    We are looking forward to performing to all parents at our Upper School Christmas Carol Concert on Thursday at 6pm in St Mary's Church.  Please make a note in your diaries.

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  • Friday 6th December

    Published 06/12/24, by Kate Purser

    Your child will have brought home a Reading Record this week.  This is to be used by themselves, you as parents/carers, and teaching staff in school.  Please encourage them to record daily reading sessions at home, and then add your initials to confirm that they have done this.  We expect all children to read every day at home in addition to any reading they do in school.  Your support with this is vital to embed good routines for your children, and it is widely known that those children reading regularly at home experience accelerated progress in all areas of their schooling.  It is the children's responsibility to look after this book and bring it to school each day along with their reading book.  Thank you for your support.  

    Our spellings this week are:  system, antonym, symbol, mystery, lyrics, oxygen, rhythm, symptom, typical, crystal.  Please ensure you know these and are ready for our quiz on Monday. 

    Please also complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion.

    Make sure you watch an episode of News Round over the weekend and be ready to write about a memorable news story on Monday.

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  • Friday 29th November

    Published 29/11/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Monday.  Remember to read at home for 20 minutes each day, with at least one session per week reading aloud to an adult.  Ensure you know this week's spellings and are ready for our quiz on Monday, the words are: community, desperate, excellent, attached, hindrance, mischievous, physical, restaurant, sufficient, yacht.

    As explained in class, watch an episode of Newsround over the weekend and talk to your grown-up about a news story you've seen which captures your attention.  Be ready to write about it on Monday.

    If you haven't done so already, please bring in a cereal box on Monday.  We are using these to make hats for our Christmas dinner next week.

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  • Friday 22nd November

    Published 22/11/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion - remember to also have a go at some of the practice tasks in areas where you feel you would benefit.  Make sure you read every day at home for a minimum of 20 minutes, with 1 session a week reading aloud to an adult.  Our spellings this week are:  communicate, definite, exaggerate, appreciate, harass, marvellous, persuade, relevant, stomach, vehicle.  Make sure you know how to spell these, and are ready for our quiz on Monday.

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  • Friday 15th November

    Published 15/11/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Monday.  You are free to complete any of the other practice tasks - we can see how hard you are working!

    Make sure you are reading at home every day for a minimum of 20 minutes with at least one session per week reading aloud to an adult.

    Our spellings this week have been: committee, curiosity, especially, apparent, guarantee, lightning, parliament, recommend, soldier, vegetable.

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  • Friday 8th November

    Published 08/11/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Monday. Remember to read at home for a minimum of 20 minutes every day with one session a week reading aloud to an adult.  Make sure you can spell this week's spelling words ready for our quiz on Monday: cemetery, criticise, equipped, ancient, government, leisure, opportunity, recognise, sincerely, variety.

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  • Friday 18th October

    Published 18/10/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Monday.  Remember to read every day for at least 20 minutes.  Progress towards your AR target will be checked on Friday. 

    Your spelling words for this week are:  bruise, convenience, embarrass, forty, interrupt, occupy, aggressive, pronunciation, shoulder, thorough.  Make sure you know these and are ready for our quiz on Monday.

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  • Friday 11th October

    Published 11/10/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Monday.  Remember to read for at least 20 minutes at home every day with one of these sessions reading aloud to an adult.  Well done to all those who have taken an AR quiz so far this half-term, many of you are on track to meet your target before the half term break.  Please ensure you know your spelling words ready for our quiz on Monday.  They are:  achieve, programme, secretary, bargain, controversy, disastrous, temperature, foreign, interfere, nuisance.

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  • Friday 4th October

    Published 04/10/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Monday.  Make sure you also know our spelling words and are ready for our weekly spelling quiz on Monday morning.  Our words this week are:  according, profession, sacrifice, awkward, conscious, dictionary, system, familiar, individual, neighbour.  Remember to read every day for at least 20 minutes, with at least one of these sessions reading aloud to an adult. 

    Well done to everyone who has completed an AR quiz so far this term, half-term is approaching and everyone has their own individual target to reach before the half-term break.  There were several children who didn't manage to bring their PE kits to school this week, and so were unable to take part in our lessons - please remember your kit!

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  • French poetry/art competition

    Published 04/10/24, by Melanie Anderson

    Poésíæ competition

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