Friday 13th December

Our spellings this week are: rhyme, identify, multiply, occupy, apply, hyphen, recycle, hygiene, python, supply. Please ensure you know these and are ready for our quiz on Monday.
Please also complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion.
Make sure you watch an episode of News Round over the weekend and be ready to write about a memorable news story on Monday.
Continue to read each day at home for a period of at least 20 minutes and the children should record this in their reading diaries with a parent initial.
Please bring in some cardboard recycling (cereal box) on Monday for our work in RE.
We are looking forward to performing to all parents at our Upper School Christmas Carol Concert on Thursday at 6pm in St Mary's Church. Please make a note in your diaries.
Freddie: This week I have enjoyed writing letters in role to an agony aunt.
Liv: I enjoyed Interhouse. I am a sports captain and I had to organise everyone in Hardwick to compete in football matches. I got the opportunity to lead the warm-up as well as referee matches.
Alfie: In DT we have been designing and making light-up Christmas cards. In my design I drew Santa and a Chrsitmas tree.