Friday 6th October 2023

Spellings: mystery, symbol, gym, system, lyrics, Egypt, myth
Talk Homework: Using these letters 'L, E,T,R,S,A,P'
There are more than 70 words in here. How many can you find? Can you beat your adult? Maybe you can work together to spot as many as possible. Good Luck and enjoy.
Another great week in year 3! One of our favourite lessons this week was DT where we continued our sewing using both cross-stitch and running stitch on our bookmarks. In PE, this week, we enjoyed rugby where we tried to avoid our opponents by running with the ball and finding space to score a try. In Art, we have been learning about Mondrian and applied our knowledge of his artistic skills to make our own abstract art using shapes and recalling key facts about him. In maths, we have been learning about number lines to 1000 and using our knowledge of intervals to calculate their value, helping us to find values along a number line. In English, we have been very enthusiastic to share our creativity and imagination through planning our own story linked to our unique woolly mammoths. We delved into settings, key events and emotions of various characters, ensuring we focused on the genre of our choice. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our ideas and inspiring each other to develop our ideas. In science, we have been classifying rocks into igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic relative to their appearance and properties. We love exploring the rock boxes and discussing how each type of rock is formed! In geography, we have learnt what a county is and used atlases, maps and digital maps to find counties in England- we extended our learning by finding cities within counties local to us!
Happy Friday!
Year 3