Friday 8th December 2023
Talk homework: Discuss with your adults what it would be like to have magnetic fingers.
Spellings: beginning, regretting, forgotten, committed, preferred
We were lucky to be able to watch the EYFS Nativity play and the year 2 and 4 play this week. We really enjoyed both productions. In maths, we are mastering column subtraction with exchanges and we are also continuing to learn our 3x, 4x, 8x tables. In English, we wrote a letter to the Town Council planning department to try to convince them to use some of our innovative ideas for better infrastructure systems in new towns. In geography, we discussed the negative impact of urbanisation and in PSHE we learned about different family patterns. In French, we learnt how to use the first person conjugated verb ‘je suis’ (I am). In Science, we have explored which materials are magnetic and which are not. We discovered most magnetic materials are metal but not all metals are magnetic.
Have a great weekend
Year 3