Friday 19th January 2024
Spellings this week: obey, prey, convey, survey, disobey, they, surveyor.
TT Rockstars for 20 minutes three times a week.
Reading 20 minutes a day with book discussion.
Glennie class also have a log of their internet usage to fill in so we can discuss it in next Fridays PSHE lesson!
Beethoven class will receive theirs on Monday.
Another brilliant week!
In English, we carried on looking at 'Why the Wales Came' by Michael Morpurgo. This week, we all completed an independent writing of a diary entry from the perspective of Gracie or Daniel. The children came up with brilliant ideas and were really engaged throughout the process. Next, we have started looking at writing a letter to the 'Birdman' to check how he is following the big storm.
In maths, we've continued our work on our timetables of our fours using divide and multiply functions. We are also now starting to move onto our eight times table. The children are all trying really hard, and you can see them making great progress. We have also this week, been challenged to a TT Rockstars competition by year four to see who can get the top score! Let's make sure we practice all week, so we can blow them out of the water!
In art this week, we have also started looking at our artist for the term James Vincent Scarpace. The children loved looking at his wacky and wonderful designs and came up with some really fantastic adjectives to describe his work.
We've learnt another five instruments in French and looked at the spellings of the words, identifying the difference in phonics between French and English.
In history, we started looking at the adventures of James Cook and why he is so famous. The children had to take on the role of reporters and, with their partners, find facts from around the room about James Cook's life and travels. The children were all very shocked to find out how he died!
In PSHE, we have continued looking at online safety and how we can make sure we are staying safe and acting sensibly. The children made a list of all the things they use the internet for. We soon realised we use it more than we think through things like games consoles and smart speakers! Over the next week, we've asked the children to take note of each time they use the internet and what for, so that we can discuss our usage.
Have a great weekend
Year 3