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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 24th May

Please continue to log ALL reading on boomreader or in your paper copies over half term. This is becoming more important as the phonics screening is coming up in June. You can write any sounds your child struggles with for us to work on at school. Please ensure your child is using numbots for their maths skills and development. 

There will be no spellings going home during half term. 

In Maths this week we have wrapped up position and direction and started to move onto money. So far we have spoken about the value of money and recognition of coins.

In our Phonics this week we have recapped all the previous Phase 5 sounds and been working on the sound 'ire' 'Vampire for Hire'. The children have really enjoyed this sound and have been great at recognising real and alien words with them.

In our DT this week the children completed their final fruit kebab design. They used the bridge hold correctly slicing their fruit and threaded it onto the skewer. They had a fab time making and eating their designs.

In Science this week we have wrapped up our plants topic. The children have done some fantastic observational drawings with scientific annotations for the different parts of the plant. Then they sketched some common UK plants in their books.

The children have worked so hard this term we are very proud of the progress they have made. Have a restful and enjoyable half term and we will see you in Summer 2.


Please see attached lots of useful Phonics alien and real word practice.