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Christian Values

Over the year we revisit our 3 key values of Agape, Courage and Thankfulness ACT. Agape is a focus for the Autumn term, Courage a focus for the Spring term and Thankfulness for the Summer term. 

We encourage our children to be thankful for the environment and its creation, to care for both their own community and the wider world. We do this by considering the products that are used and ensuring that there is little waste, encouraging re-using or recycling where we can. We have a beautiful environment that has been nurtured to be there for both the children and the wildlife and we give thanks for this.

Daily we give thanks through prayer in collective worship, before lunch and at the end of the day. These prayers are written by the children.

We encourage the children to use their manners and thank each other. Our class buddies allows the children to appreciate and they are encouraged to thank their buddies for any support that they have given them.

We are thankful as a school for the amazing community that support the school in so many ways that it would be impossible to list, and that we have both a healthy body and mind, for this we give thanks. 

For our school prayer please see: Collective Worship