Our Learning
In this section of the website you will learn all about the curriculum and the education we offer to all our children from Reception through to Year 6.
With the introduction of the new curriculum several years ago, we have taken a lot of time to develop, refine and reflect on the type of curriculum we would like to offer all of our children. We considered and researched how we could develop a curriculum that would be relevant to our children, as they approach a globalised society. Also, how we could best equip them with the knowledge and skills to be global citizens of tomorrow. Therefore, in January 2019 we began the Buckden School Curriculum, which is based on the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations in 2015 to be achieved by 2030, which aim to create a better and more sustainable future for all. To enrich our curriculum and to enable our children to access their learning to its fullest, we have incorporated a structured skills programme within our school curriculum.
Global Goal Curriculum
At our school, we are dedicated to preparing young people to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Our curriculum is built around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is designed to ignite a love for lifelong learning. We believe education should be a joyful, wondrous journey that equips students with the skills they need to succeed now and in the future.
In early 2015, Project Everyone and UNICEF began to collaborate on an idea to teach children across the world about the new Global Goals. They called it the World’s Largest Lesson.
The idea was launched with the help of UNESCO to Ministers of Education from across the world in May 2015 at the World Education Forum in Korea.
In September 2015 when the Goals were agreed schools across the world began to teach children about this new plan for people and planet. Children responded positively to the idea and educators enjoyed taking part in an inclusive global initiative. The contribution of all educators is truly valued and to be celebrated.
The aim is to connect students with this ambitious global plan and to encourage their support for it. They can take action in support of the Goals in a local way.
The organizations that work together to help bring the World’s Largest Lesson to life each year are living proof that Goal 17 can work!
Below film was written by Sir Ken Robinson and produced for the World’s Largest Lesson by Aardman Animations
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
In 2015 a new development plan was created. This built on the achievements of the previous Goals and learnt from their shortcomings. The process of shaping and agreeing these new Goals began at the Rio+20 Summit in June 2012 and focused on the need to ensure development that is sustainable. As part of the consultation process over half a million people aged 14-24 ranked their priorities for the world.
Similar to the MDGs, poverty reduction remains an overarching objective of the SDGs. But it is now recognised that poverty can only be alleviated if the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development are addressed at the same time.
In September 2015, all 193 members of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. This "Agenda for 2030” is comprised of 17 Goals to drive development over the next 15 years by ending extreme poverty, tackling climate change and fighting inequalities. This was a historic agreement, paving the way for a better and more sustainable future. The challenge now is to ensure the Goals are implemented in a way that ensures no one is left behind.
17 Sustainable Development Goals
- Goal 1 - End poverty
- Goal 2 - End hunger
- Goal 3 - Good health
- Goal 4 - Quality Education
- Goal 5 - Gender Equality
- Goal 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
- Goal 7 - Renewable Energy
- Goal 8 - Good Jobs and Economic Growth
- Goal 9 - Innovation and Infrastructure
- Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities
- Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption
- Goal 13 - Climate Action
- Goal 14 - Life Below Water
- Goal 15 - Life on Land
- Goal 16 - Peace and Justice
- Goal 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Our School Curriculum has been written for our children to encompass everything we want to impart during their time at our school. We wanted a curriculum that prepared our children for their future and to give them the skills to embrace all that life will offer them. We decided upon a balanced approach to the curriculum which encompassed Philosophy (Think it), Theology (Believe it) and Human & Social Sciences (Live it), which has become our strap line.
We have incorporated the 'Rights Respecting the Child Curriculum' into our curriculum and are really proud to have achieved the Silver Mark in 2024.
Skills Builder
We have embodied the opportunity to develop skills of Leadership, Presenting, Listening, Problem Solving, Aiming High, Creativity, Teamwork and Staying Positive, with the skills builder programme built into our School Curriculum. We were very proud to have been awarded the highest creditation with Skills Builder of Gold Award. We believe this gives our pupils the best “all-rounded” start to their journey of life-long learning.
Our curriculum is multi-faceted, formulated around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It gives opportunities to revisit goals and develop a great depth of understanding building on prior learning. It is facilitated by an enquiry based approach which encourages ‘Big questions’ to consider how our history has and continues to shape our future. The curriculum inspires hope, courageous advocacy with an understanding that ‘doing what we can, can make a difference’ and as our school song says we have “The World on Our Shoulders”.
Curriculum Intent Summary
(A full document available from School)
Our Curriculum Intent Summary is the road map to everything we do at Buckden CE Primary Academy. It informs all the decisions that we make from the individual pupil learners through to the Board of Trustees. All decisions come back to these three basic principles listed.
Our Intent
Educating for sustainability in a progressive, student-centred way. we are focused on preparing young people to thrive in a changing world. Our carefully researched educational approach is designed to ignite a love for lifelong learning, a joyful, wondrous journey, and teach our students the skills we believe are required to thrive now and in the future.
Please see the attached document that shows an overview of our Buckden School Curriculum. It is an enquiry led curriculum with a question shaping the learning each half-term.
Half-termly Year Group Newsletters
Each year group produces a half-termly newsletter, which gives parents an overview of what will be covered over the half-term. Therefore, this enables them to support learning at home through discussion, books, library visits, museum visits and other cultural events.
Knowledge Organisers
We have put together Knowledge Organisers for each subject, for each term, which explains all the learning that is taking place. This is a reference tool for parents and pupils. PSHE knowledge orgainisers are shared half-termly with parents with the year group newsletter.